To understand the basics of an Area
"Area" is the default label, but they may be referred to by other terms including Departments, Categories, Manuals, or other similar terms. Terms may differ, but the concepts are universal.
You can search for policies belonging to a specific Area. To learn how, see How do I find policies in a specific Area?
What Are Areas?
At its most basic element, an Area is a category or grouping of similar documents within PolicyStat. Think of an Area as the box or bucket where your policies will be sorted.
What Else May Areas Be Called?
The default label is Area, but some sites use customized terms that reflect local preferences. Categories for policy documents may be referred to as Departments, Manuals, or other like terms. Regardless of the term, the functionality remains the same.
What Are Common Areas?
Areas often correspond to the name of a local department within your facility and may be most useful to users who work within that department.
Some examples may include Human Resources, Operations, Nutrition, Nursing, Patient Care, Administrative, etc.
What Are the Other Pillars of PolicyStat?
The topic of Areas is one of the Three Pillars of PolicyStat. For more on the Three Pillars concept or to view the other two Pillars, see this article What are the core concepts of PolicyStat?
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